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WXXV: Rep. Ezell visits leaders on the Coast

Congressman Mike Ezell is on the Coast this week meeting with city leaders and enjoying the Fourth of July holiday.

Congressman Mike Ezell is on the Coast this week meeting with city leaders and enjoying the Fourth of July holiday.

Ezell visited WXXV and talked to us about coastal bills and national policies.

Even while home for a holiday, Congressman Mike Ezell is still handling business. “Just getting out into the community, talking to folks, and hearing some of their concerns and trying to meet their needs.”

Some of those concerns include the Bonnet-Carre spillway – as people fear it will be open again one day.

In D.C., Ezell secured Mississippi a spot in the lower Mississippi River Comprehensive Management study. “There’s a study going on that the Corp is working on, and he assured me that Mississippi would be involved in every aspect of it. So, right now I’m taking him at his word, but I’m not going to let up. You know, we got to take care of this Gulf.”

Another concern for coastal cities is natural disasters. With hurricane season upon us and as Moss Point recovers from a tornado, this is a concern for Ezell, too. “I’ve been down there. Last weekend I talked to the mayor and some of the board of supervisors, city councilmen, and we’re trying to offer whatever assistance we can from the government.”

Ezell and Cindy Hyde-Smith introduced a bill that would ensure that student service members in the National Guard and Reserve will be guaranteed re-admission to their schools following short-term emergency mobilizations.

So, that’s what is happening on the Coast, but what’s happening in D.C. “Right now, the United States of America is taking in more money than we’ve ever taken in before. The problem is – we’ve got a spending problem in Washington. And for every dollar we take in, we’re spending a dollar twenty-nine.”

With the debt ceiling in the rearview mirror, the possible impeachment of President Biden is looming. “We need to continue to gather as much information as we can gather so that we can present a case. First of all, you can’t get anything done unless you’ve got some facts out there. And the American people didn’t deserve to know that their president or their homeland security director, who’s got a wide-open border down there. They need to know what the truth is.”

House Resolution 503 has been tabled for the time being as two committees look over the bill.

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