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WXXV: Rep. Mike Ezell wants Coast leaders and business owners in spillway talks

Congressman Mike Ezell took the opportunity during a hearing Thursday to question officials about the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

During a hearing on transportation and infrastructure, Congressman Ezell questioned the assistant secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael Conner about including Coast leaders and business owners in the comprehensive management study of the lower Mississippi River.

“Our Gulf Coast community, especially the business owners who lost everything when the spillway was opened in 2019, deserve to have a say in the management of the Bonnet Carre.”

Connor responded that those leaders and others would be a part of the study. “So, in that aspect, we are not just working with the states and local parties but bringing in other agencies. That’ll be part of that dialogue, I’m just not sure specifically what we’ve done as a result of that litigation, Sir. But we can get back to you on the record.”

Connor went on to assure Ezell that local business owners would be included.