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Congressman Mike Ezell Cosponsors Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

Washington, DC, January 23, 2023 | Josh Riggs ((202) 226-0454)

Congressman Mike Ezell is proud to cosponsor the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38), which was introduced by Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-09). 


H.R. 38 would ensure American citizens' ability to carry a concealed handgun doesn't stop at state lines.


This legislation applies to both concealed carry permit holders and residents of Constitutional carry states such as Mississippi.


"As a former sheriff, I know that limiting our law-abiding citizens' abilities to keep and bear arms isn't a solution to our nation's violent crime issues," said Congressman Ezell. “With this legislation, Americans will be confident in their ability to better protect themselves and their families not just in their home state, but across the country."