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Rep. Ezell Statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act

I am disappointed that the final deal falls short of the Limit, Save, Grow Act plan we passed over a month ago. There are few things I hate more than incomplete, short-term solutions to serious, long-term problems. 

However, the alternative to passing this legislation would be giving Joe Biden and Democrats a mandate to unconstitutionally raise the limit, increase our already out-of-control federal spending, and raise taxes on American families. 

This legislation keeps the radical left from spending our country into oblivion over the next two years and gives Republicans the power to pass a more permanent solution when we retake the White House and Senate.

There is still a long way to go to get our economy back on the path to fiscal responsibility, but we have to start somewhere. I voted to pass this legislation and continue fighting to lower our debt because we cannot allow the radical left to permanently devastate our economy.