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Ezell Scores an A+ Pro-Life Rating

Washington, DC, January 17, 2024 | Josh Riggs ((202) 226-0454)

This week, Congressmen Mike Ezell received an A+ rating for his work to protect life during the 118th Congress from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, one of the nation's most prominent pro-life organizations.

"I'm honored to have earned the highest rating possible from SBA Pro-Life America," said Congressman Ezell. "I'll continue fighting to support babies and mothers, prevent tax dollars from going to fund abortions, and stand up to the Biden Administration's pro-abortion radicalism."

SBA Pro-Life's rating is based on the votes and actions taken by each member during a session of Congress. The organization's scorecard praised Congressman Ezell's work to protect life, saying in part:

"Rep. Ezell has stood up against the ever-growing pro-abortion agenda of the Biden-Harris administration and the radical bureaucrats who are actively working to expand abortion access, resources, and funding. Rep. Ezell has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants."

Since entering Congress in January 2023, Congressman Ezell has cosponsored several major pro-life bills, including:

  • the Life at Conception Act (H.R. 431), which would declare the right to life guaranteed in the Constitution begins at conception;
  • the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act (H.R. 7), which would permanently codify the Hyde amendment and ensure that federal funds can not be used to pay for or subsidize abortions; and 
  • the SAVE Moms and Babies Act (H.R. 427), which would combat the FDA's attempts to deregulate abortion drugs.

In addition to Congressman Ezell, the other Republican members of Mississippi's Congressional delegation also received A+ ratings on the 118th Congress scorecard.

"I'm proud of our state's historic role in the pro-life movement, including the landmark Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade," said Congressman Ezell. "Our state's team of pro-life leaders have accomplished great things, and we'll continue working together to protect life."