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WXXV: Rep. Mike Ezell speaks at Power Hour Lunch Break with Hancock Chamber
Gulfport, MS | WXXV Staff,
March 14, 2023
Lunch time at the Hollywood Casino was a busy one as the Hancock Chamber hosted Power Hour. Members of the Hancock Chamber were invited to the Power Hour Lunch Break as an opportunity to have intentional conversations and network with one another. The chamber event was a way to showcase the community resources as well as build relationships among community leaders. While eating a buffet style meal, participants heard from the featured speaker Congressman Mike Ezell. Ezell said it was good to be home and he shared some of his experiences thus far as a congressman. “I’ve been to the border. I’ve gotten my committee assignments, transportation and infrastructure and homeland security, which is going well. We’ve had some real good hearings. I’ve learned a lot and am making a lot of new friends so we can try to bring all the help we can to Mississippi.” Hancock Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tish Williams said, “Just bringing people together, working towards a common goal, that is economic development, and we are so pleased that Mr. Ezell took the time out of his busy schedule to come and meet with us.” After sharing his journey, the floor was opened and members had an opportunity to ask the congressman questions. |